Why should I mix my Bitcoin?

Bitcoin mixing, also referred to as Bitcoin tumbling or Bitcoin laundering, is the process of using a service like ours to break the connection between a Bitcoin sending and receiving address.

Since the Bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger that records every transaction, mixing coins is critical for anyone who doesn’t want the entire world to know exactly where they send and store their BTC, or from where they receive it.

Properly mixing coins may seem like a daunting task to those who aren’t very familiar with Bitcoin, but it is actually a simple 2-step process that takes no more than 2 minutes.

There are good reasons for everyone to mix their coins, but for those who use Darknet Markets in particular, it is a necessity. New tools are being built all the time to increase the ability of the public, as well as private corporations and government agencies, to follow coins through the blockchain and track those who use it.

In the near future it may be simple for anyone- including friends, relatives, employers, and law enforcement, to track every Bitcoin transaction you’ve ever made and see exactly where it ended up. Breaking the connection between your addresses and the coins’ destination by mixing them is certainly a precaution that all Bitcoin users should take. You NEED to use a Bitcoin mixer to protect your privacy and safety.

How long does the mixing process take?

The mixing is often done instantly and the coins are sent back as soon as your coins come in. Due to the fact that our reserve is large and holds over 14.4 million dollars currently, you will not have to wait for someone else to send their coins and have your coins mixed. Additionally, in order to ensure third parties do not look at fees to find similarities in the nature of transactions done by you, we permit an optional time delay for each forward address.

Is there a minimum transaction size?

Due to the nature of our operations we do not accommodate transactions that are less than 0.01 BTC in size. We consider the smaller transactions to be donations made to our system.

What is the maximum transaction size?

For the best mixing quality we accept transaction up to 782 BTC. If you need to mix more than 782 BTC just redo the process as many times a you need.

How many confirmations do you need to accept transactions?

The number of confirmations required depends on the transaction volume:

  • Less than 2.5 BTC - 1 confirmation;
  • Less than 25 BTC - 3 confirmations;
  • Less than 50 BTC - 4 confirmations;
  • More than 50 BTC - 5 confirmations.

What if I accidentally closed the browser window before getting confirmation of my transfer?

There is no need for concern. You do not have to stay at the page once the incoming address is delivered. Transfers are automatically processed according the order lot in minutes.

What logs do you keep?

We do not store any information that can be used to identify the users either. And we highly recommend the use of TOR.

Can I trust you with large amounts of BTC?

The fact that we hold over 1038 BTC should stand testimony to the amount of skin we have in the game. Our reserves are publicly proven on BitcoinTalk. We do not profit by running away with your coins but by rather running longer in the business. If you feel insecure sending large amount of coins, you have the choice of sending money over a longer period of time in a number of transactions instead. This ensures security, transparency and anonymity.

Enter the address you want the Bitcoin forwarded to:

{{delay ? 'Remove delay' : 'Set delay'}}
Service Fee: {{getFee()}}%

Time delay

Amount to Send:
BTC to {{operation.data.InputAddress}}
Amount to Receive:
BTC ({{item.percent}}%) after {{item.delay}}h immediately
to {{item.address}}

Did you know?: Logs of any nature are not maintained with our Bitcoin mixer. We do not store any information that can be used to identify you either.
